Learning to pump can be a daunting process. These steps will set you and your baby up for success.
- Find a quiet, comfortable place to sit.
- Bring a drink and a snack.
- Plug in your pump or make sure it has working batteries.
- Wash your hands with soap and water.
- Assemble the pump kit.
- Center the flanges over your breast(s) and center the nipple in the flange opening, making an air seal. Flange fit is important!
- If you’re double pumping, cup each flange to the breast with fingers below the flange and thumb on the top. When adjusting your dials, switch to using one arm across both breasts, keeping an airtight seal.
- Turn your pump on.
- Similar to a baby nursing at the breast, start out with high speed and low suction until you see milk flow (let-down), then adjust speed to medium and increase suction based on comfort level.
- Once milk flow decreases, increase speed to high until the next let-down, then decrease to medium speed.
To make your life easier, The Unimom Minuet LCD has a wide customizable cycle and suction range for effective and efficient extraction of your breast-milk at the best possible comfort levels. It has 7 unique massage modes and 7 levels of expression modes plus 2 special patterns of expression mode.

Love your baby, Love Unimom.